LG Thomson | Latest News
Author Talk with LG Thomson
LG Thomson answers the questions authors get asked by readers and shares some of her favourite reads.
Every week on YouTube.
Interiors Exhibition: 25 Jan - 8 Mar 2025

Includes four 'Sleep' paintings by LG Thomson.
This promises to be an inspiring exhibition, featuring photographs, paintings, prints, and stained glass on the theme of Interiors. Well worth a visit. Please do go if you can.
Upstairs Gallery | Weigh Ahead | 91 High Street | Dunblane | FK15 OER

Tickets on sale now from the Ceilidh Place, Ullapool
Book Week Scotland 2024
18 November, 2.30 - 3.30 pm, Blackness Library, Dundee
LG Thomson and Andrew Forrester met at art school in Dundee in 1981. This November, they will be reunited at Blackness Library where they will discuss LG's latest book, Bitter Fruit, a narrative memoir set in the 1980s in which Andrew makes several appearances. Tickets are free but booking is essential. For more info and to book click here.

Write Club at Bridge House Art
Following the highly successful creative writing course that run by LG at Bridge House Art last autumn, she's back this year with Write Club, a 4-week experimental creative writing course for anyone over 16 who wants to experiment and have fun with writing.
​Wednesday evenings from 30 Oct to 20 Nov, 7- 9pm at Bridge House Art.
For more details and to book, click here.​

In conversation...

Conversation, coffee & cake with LG & Mandy Haggith. Sunday 29 Sep., The Bothan, Badentarbet Pier, Coigach.

In conversation...
LG Thomson met Liz Reid at art school in 1981. This October, as the closing event in Liz's solo exhibition INK, they will be reunited at Cass Art where they will discuss LG's latest book, Bitter Fruit, a narrative memoir in which Liz is one of the main characters. The pair will reflect on their time at art school, what life was like for aspiring artists in 1980s Scotland, and the paths taken since.
LG will talk about the process of writing a memoir and find out from Liz what it's like to read about yourself in a book. As LG is well-known for the dark humour in her novels and memoirs, this promises to be an entertaining and thought-provoking event with creativity at its heart.
Come and meet both the author and artist and join their discussion over a glass of wine or two, then feel free to stay on for a last chance to view Liz's solo exhibition of drawings, prints and urban sketches.
Buy tickets here. (Over 18s only)

Bitter Fruit
Out now
In this much-anticipated sequel to Modernist Dreams Brutalist Nightmares, LG Thomson's personal story plays out against a background of Mutually Assured Destruction, acid rain, industrial unrest, and UK unemployment hitting an all-time high. Set in 1980s Scotland (with cameos from London) and featuring tales of sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, hippies and punks, nightmares and masks, dreams and hopes, Bitter Fruit is a frank and darkly funny read about enduring the bleakest of times. The book includes a playlist along with contemporary photographs and sketches by the author.

The first page of an (as yet) unpublished thriller written by LG Thomson has been chosen by bestselling author Lee Child to feature in Crimebits, a unique interactive puzzle book published by the Black Spring Press Group.

this is where we are
Exhibition of new work by artists
MK Thomson and LG Thomson
at the Ceilidh Place, Ullapool,
17 March - 27 June 2024.
Exploring Primal Landscape
Only three places remaining for this creative writing workshop in Coigach. To book your place, email paulamshepherd@gmail.com

Journeys | Bridge House Art
Combined creative writing and art course co-tutored by LG Thomson and Eleanor White.
Bridge House Art Summer School 22 - 26 July 2024
During this five-day course we will use a unique combination of creative writing and expressive art to explore the concept of journeys, from emotional, spiritual, and imaginative, to physical.
Journey: to travel from one place to another. From A to B and back again; round trip; one way ticket; or perhaps an open ended journey traversing lines of latitude and longitude, crossing borders, oceans, time zones. But not all journeys involve physical travel. The word journey can also be used to describe the journeys we make in life – voyages of self-discovery, of growing up, growing old, explorations of identity, experiences leading to transformation. Throughout the course students will be encouraged to share their work with the group. This exciting and innovative course will suit those new to art or writing as well as those experienced in both.
First WordHaus gig sold out

WordHaus, a cabaret of poetry and prose by Jon Miller and LG Thomson, played out before a packed and enthusiastic audience at the Ceilidh Place Venue in Ullapool on 17 November 2023.
The concept behind WordHaus was to disrupt the idea of writers reading their work in front of an audience sitting in polite rows. Miller and Thomson, both known for their dark humour, sought to bridge the gap between stage and floor, to tear up the reverential hush often found at literary events. Removing that artificial barrier coupled with the stellar delivery of the poetry and prose made WordHaus a hot ticket. Seating at the event was cabaret style, with the bar open throughout.
WordHaus graphics designed by LG Thomson.
Click here to enquire about booking WordHaus for an event.
Tickets on sale now from Ceilidh Place, Ullapool.

New short story
True Tales from the Sea by a Fisherman's Wife
published by Open Book Unbound
True Tales from the Sea by a Fisherman's Wife, a short story by LG Thomson, published by Open Book Unbound.
Read the story here.
November 2023
Creative Writing at Bridge House Art

LG Thomson will be running a short creative writing course at Bridge House Art in Ullapool this autumn.
Four Wednesdays from 25 Oct - 15 Nov, 7-9pm. Theme: Exploring Primal Landscape.
There is no prep, no homework, everything happens in the room. Materials provided. Places limited. £90.
For booking and payment, email bookings@bridgehouseart.co.uk
This course is now fully booked.
Open Book Creative Writing
Ullapool & Coigach

Ullapool: 2-4pm, Wednesdays, Ullapool Library
2023: 4 Oct, 1 Nov, 6 Dec.
2024: 6 Mar, 17 Apr, 8 May, 5 Jun, 4 Sep.
Coigach: 11am - 1pm, Thursdays, Coigach Community Hall
2023: 5 Oct, 2 Nov, 7 Dec.
2024: 7 Mar, 18 Apr, 9 May, 6 Jun, 5 Sep.
Free to attend. Materials provided. Age 16+.
Here / There | Bridge House Art
Combined creative writing and art course co-tutored by LG Thomson and Eleanor White.
Bridge House Art Summer School 24 - 28 July 2023
Why do some places resonate with us? What makes us feel that we belong here but not there? Why does one setting sing and another endow us with a sense of unease? How does our sense of identity relate to our sense of place? What does it mean to be here as opposed to there? In this course we will use a unique combination of creative writing and expressive art to respond to these questions and explore the concepts of primal landscape, spirit of place, environmental preferences, and the personal relationship between ourselves and our surroundings. Students will be encouraged to share their work with the group. This exciting and innovative course will suit those new to art or creative writing as well as those experienced in both. Co-tutored by artist Eleanor White and author LG Thomson. THIS COURSE HAS SOLD OUT. PLEASE CONTACT BRIDGE HOUSE ART IF YOU WISH TO BE ADDED TO THE WAITING LIST.

Reading @ Gallery Late
LG Thomson will be reading from her successful memoir, Modernist Dreams Brutalist Nightmares, at Gallery Late, An Talla Solais, Market Street, Ullapool.
Friday 5th May.
Event starts at 6pm.
Readings 7.00-7.30pm.
Free entry.
Live Literature
LG Thomson has extensive experience of running creative writing workshops and is listed on the Scottish Book Trust Author Directory. If you are a school, library, community group or not-for-profit organisation based in Scotland and would like to commission LG for an event you can apply for partial funding via the Live Literature programme.
Artist's Sale | An Talla Solais | Ullapool | 17 - 18 March 2023

A series of small paintings by LG Thomson will be available at the ATS Spring Market along with a selection of her collage poetry cards.
Live Literature | Strandlines | Ullapool | 22 Jan 2023

LG Thomson has extensive experience of running creative writing workshops and is listed on the Scottish Book Trust Author Directory. If you are a school, library, community group or not-for-profit organisation based in Scotland and would like to commission LG for an event you can apply for partial funding via the Live Literature programme.
Book launch success!
The Ceilidh Place Venue in Ullapool was filled to capacity for the launch of Modernist Dreams Brutalist Nightmares. The enthusiastic audience gathered on 2nd December 2022 to hear author LG Thomson discuss the book with artist Eleanor White. The evening included a few sharp intakes of breath, much laughter, and a lively Q&A session. Although it was only recently published, it is clear that Modernist Dreams Brutalist Nightmares is resonating with readers, no matter where they are from.
Modernist Dreams Brutalist Nightmares OUT NOW
Pre-sales drained the warehouse, but fresh ink is on the way! Thank you very much to everyone who has bought or ordered a copy of Modernist Dreams Brutalist Nightmares. To get your copy, order online or via your local bookshop. For immediate gratification grab an e-book now. Reviews on Amazon would be very much appreciated by author and publisher. e-book | paperback
Book Launch
The first generation of children to grow up in Scotland’s New Towns are now in their 50s and 60s yet virtually nothing has been written about that experience. Until now. Join LG Thomson as she discusses Modern Dreams Brutalist Nightmares with artist Eleanor White.
Ceilidh Place Venue, Ullapool | 7pm, Fri 2 December 2022
Books will be on sale on the night and available to buy in advance from the Ceilidh Place Bookshop. Licensed bar. 16+
Modernist Dreams Brutalist Nightmares

Modernist Dreams Brutalist Nightmares, a brutally honest narrative memoir about being part of the first generation to grow up in Cumbernauld - Scotland's most ambitious and experimental New Town - will be published by Outcast Press on 15 November 2022. PRE-ORDER NOW: e-book | paperback
Open Book | Coigach

LG Thomson leads Open Book creative writing sessions in Ullapool and Coigach. The groups meet monthly with a break for the summer. The Coigach group meets on Thursdays, 11am-1pm, in Coigach Community Hall. The sessions are free to attend, materials are provided, and no booking is necessary - just turn up on the day. The group is friendly and welcoming, and the sessions are informal. Contact Lorraine for more info.
Coigach Open Book 2022/2023: 6 October, 27 October, 1 December, 12 January, 2 February, 2 March, 30 March, 27 April, 1 June, 29 June. Updated September 2022
Open Book | Ullapool

LG Thomson leads Open Book creative writing sessions in Ullapool and Coigach. The groups meet monthly with a break for the summer. The Ullapool group meets on Wednesdays, 2-4pm, in the library. The sessions are free to attend, materials are provided, and no booking is necessary - just turn up on the day. The group is friendly and welcoming, and the sessions are informal. Contact Lorraine for more info.
Ullapool Open Book 2023: 1 February, 1 March, 29 March, 26 April, 31 May, 28 June. Updated January 2023
New Book Deal | Outcast Press
Modernist Dreams Brutalist Nightmares, a brutally honest narrative memoir about being part of the first generation to grow up in Cumbernauld - Scotland's most ambitious and experimental New Town - will be published by Outcast Press in autumn 2022.
Life Lines | Bridge House Art
LIFE LINES, an innovative three day course combining creative writing and art has been devised between artist Eleanor White and author LG Thomson. During the course a combination of creative writing and expressive art will be used to explore individual life experiences. Beginning with the idea that all creativity comes out of play, we will use a variety of experimental writing and art techniques to help us explore our stories. As we immerse ourselves in creative play we will produce many layers of work. We will build upon these layers to create finished pieces of writing and art. Bridge House Art, 2-4 August 2022. NB, this course is fully booked.
Open Book | Coigach | Ullapool

Members of Open Book Ullapool with poet Hannah Lavery at Ullapool Book Festival, May 2022.
LG Thomson is the Lead Reader for Open Book sessions in Coigach and Ullapool. Shared reading is used at these friendly and informal workshops to inspire creative writing. The groups meet monthly with a break for the summer. Dates for 2022/23 Ullapool. Dates for 2022/23 Coigach.
Glopop | published by Wyldblood
Glopop, a speculative short story by LG Thomson about the world population crisis was published in Issue 6 of Wyldblood Magazine.
Thirst | published by Janus Literary
Thirst, a short story by LG Thomson, has been published by Janus Literary. Thirst was inspired by the story behind Théodore Géricault's painting, The Raft of the Medusa (1818-19) and influenced by the author's insomnia. The story can be read here.
skinscape | published by Epoch Press
skinscape, a narrative non-fiction story by Lorraine Thomson about living with psoriasis was published in the Aftermath edition of Epoch magazine (Spring 2021). Lorraine was interviewed by Epoch in July 2021.